City Services
Building Department
Building Department
Milton is a wonderful place to live, but like almost everything else in our lives, there are rules & regulations that must be followed. This is for the benefit of the entire city. If these rules are neglected, the city suffers.
Therefore, the City of Milton’s Building Department was established. Their purpose, as stated in the following insert from the City’s Ordinance Book:
“to prevent injury or annoyance to the public or individuals from anything dangerous, offensive or unwholesome;
To provide for the elimination of hazards to public health and safety and to abate or cause to be abated anything which in the opinion of a majority of the governing body is a public nuisance;
The Building Department shall have all authority as set forth in all Ordinances related to structures within the City of Milton and shall have all powers related to those Ordinances and those power as set forth in West Virginia Code 8-12-16 as thoughtfully set forth herein…”
What does this mean?
If you do not properly care for your property you will be in violation of this ordinance and you WILL be notified by the Building Department. This includes such areas as cutting your lawn, maintaining a structure's safety, removing abandoned vehicles from your property, removing junk, trash or garbage, etc.
This is a topic that upsets everyone, mostly because they have a look at these areas, and a few because they own these areas. We have all seen the problem areas throughout our City and we must take an active part in making our City clean, beautiful and safe.
If you would like to report a problem area contact City Hall with the property owner’s name and address.
To contact the Milton Building Department with general inquiries, use the contact form below
Building Department Forms
Please email permits or applications to: miltoninspector@cityofmiltonwv.com
Permit number is required.